

Off-Farm Crop Protection Inputs

Organic farming practices generally encourage the use of on-farm inputs. In cases where pest incidence is high, and preventive methods fail to deliver the results and farmer is at the brink of losing the crops then use of off-farm inputs can be used as preventive or curative step. A list of popularly available off-farm plant protection inputs have been given below.
Some of the inputs (especially the permitted chemicals) are allowed as ‘restricted’ in limited quantities; therefore the certifier’s approval should be obtained before using such inputs.
Microbial Biopesticides
·       Trichoderma harzianum
·       Trichoderma viride
·       Pseudomonas fluorescens
·       Bacillus subtilis
·       Bacillus thuringiensis
·       Metarhizium anisopliae
·       Verticillium lecanii
·       eauveria bassiana
·       Nuclear Polyhedrosis Visus (NPV) and Granulosis Visrus (GV)
·       EM-5 (Termin)
Botanical extracts
·       Neem oil and Azadirachtin based formulation
·       Karanj Oil and Karanjin based formulations
·       Pyrethrin based extracts
·       Sea weeds, sea weed meal, sea weed extracts, sea salt and salty water
Permitted chemical alternatives
·       Sea salt and salty water
·       Elemental sulphur, lime sulphur
·       Copper salts/inorganic salts (Bordeaux mixture, copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride (used as a fungicide, maximum 8 kg per ha per year).
·       Chlorides of lime and soda
·       Light mineral oils
·       Permanganate of potash
·       Sodium bicarbonate
·       Soft soap
·       Ethyl alcohol,
·       Natural acids (Vinegar)
·       Homeopathic and Ayurvedic preparations

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