

Azolla Cultivation

Azolla is a free-floating aquatic plant, and it rapidly grows on the surface of the water.  It is the best low cost alternative feed to livestock & It contains very high proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals & essential nutrients for livestock. Yield of Azolla per acre is 300 tonnes of green biomass per year under optimum conditions, which is equal to 800kg of Nitrogen & is equal to 1600kg of Urea. Average yield of Azolla per square feet is 30-40 gms per day.

Nutrient Composition (Dry Weight) :

Nitrogen            :           5.0 %
Phosphorous    :           0.5 %
Potassium         :           2.0-4.5 %
Calcium              :           0.1-1.0 %
Magnesium       :           0.65 %
Manganese       :           0.16 %
Iron                     :           0.26 %
Crude Fat          :           3.0-3.3 %
Sugar                  :           3.4-3.5 %
Starch                :           6.5 %
Chlorophyll       :           0.34-0.55 %
Ash                     :           10.0 %    

Requirements :
Water                  :           Fresh Water, 12cm Height
Temperature    :           20-32 Degree
Light                   :           Partial Shade
Soil pH               :           5.2 to 5.8 pH

Cultivation Procedure :
  1. Select partially shaded area because Azolla needs 30% sunlight too much sunlight will destroy the plant. The area under the tree is preferable or use green net with 50% shade.
  2. If you decide to grow an Azolla for the large scale you can make concrete tanks or alternatively you may use readily available tarpaulin azolla bed or dig out the soil for pond and level the soil after that spread the tarpaulin / HDPE sheet around the ground to prevent water loss. Make sure the pond is at least 1 feet Deep.
  3. Add some soil uniformly on the plastic sheet in the pond.
    For 2M x 1M size pond add 5 kg soil.
  4. Azolla needs Phosphorus to grow well you can use Super Phosphate along with cow dung slurry. Cow dung increases the available nutrients. Use, one week old cow dung.  Instead of Cow dung biogas slurry can also be used & Instead of Super Phosphate you may use Vermi Compost or PSB Bio-Fertiliser or Waste Decomposer or Rock Phosphate.
  5. Next, fill the pond with water to 6 inches height, this will allow the short route of the Azolla Plant to float freely then leave the pond for 2 days to settle.
  6. After 2-days add 1 kg of Azolla culture & spread uniformly in the pond. It helps break Azolla into smaller pieces for faster multiplication.
  7. After two-week first harvesting is ready. From pond of 2M x 1M  size, you can harvest 1kg Azolla each day. Leave 1/3 of the Azolla in the pond for multiplication.

Useful Tips :
  1. Azolla rapidly grows so maintain daily harvest of Azolla biomass 300 gms / sq. meter to avoid overcrowding.
  2. Add mixture of 50 gms Phosphate nutrient, and 1 kg cow dung at weekly intervals to enhance the mineral content of Azolla.
  3. Replace 25 % old water with fresh water, once in 2 Weeks (bi-weekly); it helps to prevent nitrogen build up in the pond.
  4. Remove litter & weeds once in a week.
  5. Replace complete water and soil, at least once in six months and then add fresh Azolla seeds & repeat the initial process.
  6. Maintain the water level of at least 6 inches, so Azolla root doesn’t grow in the soil.  By keeping the roots floating it becomes easy to harvest.  
  7. Wash thoroughly after harvesting Azolla, It removes dirt and smell of cow dung and then feed them to livestocks.
  8. Feed it directly (Fresh / Dry) or mix it with concentrate.

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