

Common Organic Nutrient Management

On Farm Input :
Vermicompost (NPK 1:1:1)
Farm Yard Manure (NPK 0.5,0.5,0.5)
Composts (NPK 1:0.5:1)
De-oiled castor cake (NPK 4:1:1.5)
De-oiled neem cake (NPK 2.5:0.5:1.0)
Concentrated manures (made of poultry manure +oilcakes +rock phosphate)
Jivamrutha (dung-urine based liquid manure)
Panchagavya (or Dashagavya)
Cow urine
Vegetable derived crude amino acid extracts
Biodynamic composts and Cow pat pit
Biodynamic preparations (BD 500 to BD 507)
Biogas slurry.
Raw farm resource
Crop residue and straw
Weed biomass
Cattle shed bedding material
Lopping of N-fixing trees and other trees grown on bunds
Off Farm Input :
EM solution
Microbial consortia or Bio-mix
Enriched manures (with oil cakes and bone meal etc)
Phosphate rich organic manure (PROM)
Fish meal, blood meal, feather meal etc
Gluconate based chelated macro or micronutrients (for B, Ca + Mg, Zn, P & K)
Vegetable derived amino acids and seaweed extract based products
Botanical growth promoters and bio-stimulants in the form of granules for
soil application and powder or liquid as foliar spray.
Homeopathic preparations

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