

Benefits of Biochar Applications

1. Improved soil fertility and crop yields
2. Increased fertilizer efficiency use
3. Improved water retention, aeration and soil tilth
4. Higher cation exchange capacity and less nutrient runoff
5. Clean and efficient biomass energy production from crop residues and forest debris
6. Leads to net sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere to the soil thereby increasing soil organic carbon
7. Greater on-farm profitability
8. Decreased nitrous oxide and methane emissions from soils
9. Provides powerful tool for reversing desertification
10. Provides alternative for slash-and-burn agriculture
11. Can work as component of reforestation and aforestation efforts
12. Can produce electricity, bio-oils, and/or hydrogen fuels
13. Can use wide variety of feedstock including crop residues such as wheat and corn straw, poultry litter, cow manure, forest debris, and other farm-based biomass resources
14. Acts as a liming agent to reduce acidity of soils

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