

Vermi Compost

Incorporating vermi compost into soil provides the following benefits :
-  Adds organic matter
-  Helps soil to absorb and retain water
-  Breaks up clay soils
-  Improves soil structure
-  Increases cation exchange capacity
-  Eases cultivation
-  Helps form soil aggregates
-  Enhances soil fertility
-  Reduces bulk density
-  Improves soil aeration
-  Increases soil microbial populations
-  Reduces soil compaction
-  Diminishes soil erosion
-  Reduces pH
-  Lowers electrical conductivity
-  Helps prevent soil crusting
-  Provides micro and macro nutrients and increases their availability


There are two major problems in the process of making vermi compost.
• Death of worms in large and small numbers
• Worms are dying for the following reasons:
• If they are not getting enough food, therefore food should be buried into the bedding.
• Food may be too dry, so moisture should be maintained until it is slightly damp.
• Food may be too wet, in which case bedding should be added.
• The worms may be too hot, so the bin should be put in the shade.
• Bad smells from the vermicomposting grounds
• It is due to that there is not enough air circulation. In this case, add dry bedding under and over the worms. Turning of the food may give better result.
• There may be present some materials such as meat, pet feces, or greasy foods, which are harmful in the compost, pit. These should be removed.
• Important practical points for vermiculture
• No smell if the right products or bedding and feed are used.
• No need to turn the compost as the worms act like little ploughs turning the bedding and food.
• Air is circulating on a continuous period.
• Composting time is short in comparison to other composts.
• Composting can be done year round. 

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