

Ayurvedic Pooja Herbs

The importance and significance of the leaves used in performing the pooja. 

21 types of leaves are offered to Lord Ganesha during the festival, and each leaf has an Ayurvedic significance.

Durva (Bermuda Grass / Arugam Pullu) :
Used a as blood purifier, keeps invisible microbes away, removes acidity, cures many skin disorders, Psoriasis, useful to remove  the troubles of the eyes due to continuous stress like computer waves.

Maca Root :  
Prevents decaying process, it is a good medicine for eye diseases, jaundice, eczema, oedema, obesity and also reduces the size of the tumour.

Aghada :  
Best medicine for cough, asthama, helps in smooth passage of urine and relieves pain.

Dorli :  
Useful in asthama and cough.

Tulsi : 
Helps avoid bacterial infection, such as cough, in fever due to cold  and cough, improves digestion, improves immunity, used in skin diseases like Psoriasis, ring worm which gives rise to itching, acts as a germicide.

Marva :  
Cures skin diseases.

Jai : 
Cures mouth pustules, very useful in healing of wounds.

Malti :  
It is used for curing skin diseases like leprosy and leucoderma, nervous diseases and abdominal related diseases.

Dhotra : 
Cures or reduces cough in the chest, reduces asthmatic attack, useful in rheumatic pain.

Vishnu Kranta : 
It is used for nervous related diseases and memory power.

Kewda : 
Used to prevent excessive bleeding during menses.

Kanher : 
Used in snake, scorpion bites and for curing of various types of fever.

Bor : 
Heat reliever, useful for relief from rheumatic diseases, soothing from burning heat due to fever and also bring down the temperature, gives relief from watering of eyes and shooting pain in eyes.

Dalimb :  
It is used for dysentery. Gives relief from bilious burning, semen enchancer, useful for dry cough, gives relief from bleeding from nose, used in conjunctivitis, a bilious reliever.

Shami : 
Prevents excessive discharge of urine, reduces body heat.  Bael or Bilva, which purifies water, is used for dysentery. Prevent loose motion, clearing of bowel, relieve griping pain, reduce the frequency of evacuation of feces, improves  function of the liver, a germicidal, removes bad odour from the body, increases the stamina and reduces excess heat from the body.

Hadga : 
Cold medicine.

Arjun : 
Supreme Medicine of heart disease. useful  for setting of bones, useful for reducing the excess fat from the body.

Pipal : 
Improves articulation of small kids, improves heavy tongue and improves mental capabilities of slow learning children, used in many medicinal preparations.

Ashok : 
Keeps womb healthy, can remove sorrowful stat of mind in post natl condition.

Bramhi : 
It is a brain tonic, for sound sleep and relieves stress.

Jaswand : 
It gives mental peace, relief from headache due to biliousness.

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