

Components of Filteration Unit for Irrigation System

Head Control Unit Usage
Non Return Valve Prevents backflow
Air-Release Valve Releases entrapped air
Vacuum Breaker Valve Breaks vacuum in the system by sucking air from atmosphere
Hydro-Cyclone Filter Sand separator
Media Filter Removal of organic impurities present in water source
Screen Filter As a control filter, effective against suspended solids
Disc Filter As a control filter, effective against suspended solids
Fertilizer Tank Fertilizer injection
Pressure Gauge Check system pressure
Throttle Valve Controlling main flow enabling fertilizer application by
creating pressure differential

Vegetable & Fruit Farming Calendar

Vegetable :  Lettuce, Spinach, Gourds, Melons, Radish, Carrot, Onion, Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Bean.
Fruit :  Grapes, Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Pineapple, Passion fruit.

Vegetable :  Lettuce, Spinach, Gourds, Melons, Radish, Carrot, Onion, Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Bean.
Fruit :  Chickoo, Musk Melon, Grapes, Orange, Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Pineapple.

Vegetable :  Amaranthus, Coriander, Gourds, Beans, Melons, Spinach, Okra.
Fruit :  Water Melon, Mango, Grapes, Orange, Pineapple, Banana, Musk Melon.

Vegetable :  Onion, Amaranthus, Coriander, Gourds, Okra, Tomato, Chilli.
Fruit :  Water Melon, Mango, Grapes, Orange, Pineapple, Banana, Musk Melon, Jack Fruit.

Vegetable :  Okra, Onion, Chilli.
Fruit :  Mango, Papaya, Jamun, Water Melon, Musk Melon, Jack Fruit.

Vegetable :  All Gourds, Solanaeceae, Almost all vegetables.
Fruit :  Mango, Plum.

Vegetable :  All Gourds, Solanaeceae, Almost all vegetables.
Fruit :  Mango, Peach, Plum.

Vegetable :  Carrot, Cauliflower, Beans, Beet.
Fruit :  Mango, Custard Apple.

Vegetable :  Cauliflower, Cucumber, Onion, Peas, Spinach.
Fruit :  Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Custard Apple, Passion Fruit.

Vegetable : Brinjal, Cabbage, Capsicum, Cucumber, Beans, Peas, Spinach, Turnip.
Fruit :  Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Custard Apple, Passion Fruit.

Vegetable :  Beet, Eggplant, Cabbage, Carrot, Beans, Lettuce, Okra, Turnip.
Fruit :  Orange, Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Custard Apple.

Vegetable :  Lettuce, Pumpkin, Ash gourd, Ridge gourd, Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Cucumber, Chilly, Cabbage.
Fruit :  Orange, Sweet Lime, Fig, Guava, Custard Apple, Pineapple.

Commerical Medicinal Herbs

1. Aloe Vera 
Aloe vera is a high-value medicinal herb. It has several usages in the industry. Such as in cosmetics, medicine, and beverages. You can start the farming with small capital investment.

2. Amla
Amla is an important crop in India. It has high medicinal value. Amla is used in medicine and cosmetics industry. This is a tropical plant. You can grow amla in light and medium heavy soil except for purely sandy soil.

3. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha grows well in the dry and sub-tropical region. Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan are the major grower states in India. Organically grown ashwagandha has good market potential.

4. Basil
In India, basil is known as tulsi. The plant is considered as “Queen of Herbs”. The plant has many medicinal properties. In addition, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and processed food industries are the major consumers of it. Furthermore, you can grow basil in any type of climate, including tropical and sub-tropical.

5. Brahmi
Brahmi has high medicinal value. It is one of the traditional and early age herbs in India. The plant has fleshy, oval shaped leaves 1-2cm long, from opposite along the stems. Small, tubular, five-petaled, white flowers develop in leaf terminals and can blossom over many months of the year.

6. Calendula
Calendula is easy to grow the plant. It has huge medicinal values. In addition, you can grow calendula on poor land with the partial or full sun. However, it does require regular watering. So you must be careful about the irrigation system of your calendula farm.

7. Daruharidra
Daru Haridra is an important ayurvedic medicine. It also used in juice production and in the cosmetics industry. The plant prefers light, medium and heavy soils. In addition, you can grow this plant in heavy clay and even in nutritionally poor soil.

8. Guggal
Rajasthan is in the top position in guggul farming in India. It has rich medicinal value since long back. The plant is a woody shrub with knotty, crooked, spring brown bracties. Guggal is considered as a drought aria salinity resistant plant.

9. Jatamansi
Basically, medicine, perfumery, and cosmetics industries are the major consumers of Jatamansi. Generally, Jatamansi is harvested for local use and for the trading purpose of its roots and rhizomes.

10. Jatropha
Jatropha is one of the best oilseed plants. It has medicinal properties and as well as in industrial purpose. The plant prevents soil erosion. Additionally, you can grow the crop in the wasteland, poor soil, low rainfall and drought areas.

11. Kesar
Saffron is known as Kesar. It is the most expensive spice in the world. Saffron is majorly used in culinary seasoning and to get color with taste in different food products. It has high medicinal value.

12. Lavender
Generally, lavender farming is profitable in India. Basically, you can grow lavender only in the Himalayan region, wherever it snows. Because it requires water only when first planted.

13. Lemon Grass
Basically, lemongrass is a perennial plant. Lemon grass is one of the commercially cultivated crops in India in a wide range. Apart from medicinal value, the major use in perfumery, cosmetics, soaps, detergents, and beverages.

14. Parsley
Parsley prefers a well-drained, moisture retaining soil. Additionally, parsley requires a good amount of light to grow. You must have frequently watering system in summer.

15. Patchouli
Patchouli is one of the important aromatic plants. Additionally, you can cultivate the crop for its oil. Humid climate with plenty of sunlight is suitable for this crop. The plant grows well as an intercrop in partial shade. However, you must avoid the complete shade.

16. Safed Musli
This plant has some excellent ayurvedic properties. You can grow anywhere in the country. Commercial cultivation with good crop management practice will give you wonderful profit.

17. Sarpagandha
Sarpagandha has different medicinal values. Basically, Sarpagandha is a profitable herb. The plant prefers soil with plenty of humus and rich in the nitrogenous and organic matter with good drainage. Alkaline soils are not suitable for commercial cultivation.

18. Stevia
Basically, stevia is popular as a sugar substitute. Additionally, stevia cultivation in India is profitable. It has medicinal values and also used in the cosmetics industry.

19. Vanilla
Vanilla is one of the costliest spice in the market after saffron. Additionally, Ayurveda, medicines and processed food industries are the major consumers of vanilla. However, Karnataka is in the top position in India in vanilla cultivation.

20. Yashtimadhu
The English name is Liquorice. Yastimadhuis one of the most popular medicinal herbs in India and also in abroad. The root of the plant (liquorice) contains a substance called glycyrrhizin which is 50 times sweeter than sugar.

Ayurvedic Pooja Herbs

The importance and significance of the leaves used in performing the pooja. 

21 types of leaves are offered to Lord Ganesha during the festival, and each leaf has an Ayurvedic significance.

Durva (Bermuda Grass / Arugam Pullu) :
Used a as blood purifier, keeps invisible microbes away, removes acidity, cures many skin disorders, Psoriasis, useful to remove  the troubles of the eyes due to continuous stress like computer waves.

Maca Root :  
Prevents decaying process, it is a good medicine for eye diseases, jaundice, eczema, oedema, obesity and also reduces the size of the tumour.

Aghada :  
Best medicine for cough, asthama, helps in smooth passage of urine and relieves pain.

Dorli :  
Useful in asthama and cough.

Tulsi : 
Helps avoid bacterial infection, such as cough, in fever due to cold  and cough, improves digestion, improves immunity, used in skin diseases like Psoriasis, ring worm which gives rise to itching, acts as a germicide.

Marva :  
Cures skin diseases.

Jai : 
Cures mouth pustules, very useful in healing of wounds.

Malti :  
It is used for curing skin diseases like leprosy and leucoderma, nervous diseases and abdominal related diseases.

Dhotra : 
Cures or reduces cough in the chest, reduces asthmatic attack, useful in rheumatic pain.

Vishnu Kranta : 
It is used for nervous related diseases and memory power.

Kewda : 
Used to prevent excessive bleeding during menses.

Kanher : 
Used in snake, scorpion bites and for curing of various types of fever.

Bor : 
Heat reliever, useful for relief from rheumatic diseases, soothing from burning heat due to fever and also bring down the temperature, gives relief from watering of eyes and shooting pain in eyes.

Dalimb :  
It is used for dysentery. Gives relief from bilious burning, semen enchancer, useful for dry cough, gives relief from bleeding from nose, used in conjunctivitis, a bilious reliever.

Shami : 
Prevents excessive discharge of urine, reduces body heat.  Bael or Bilva, which purifies water, is used for dysentery. Prevent loose motion, clearing of bowel, relieve griping pain, reduce the frequency of evacuation of feces, improves  function of the liver, a germicidal, removes bad odour from the body, increases the stamina and reduces excess heat from the body.

Hadga : 
Cold medicine.

Arjun : 
Supreme Medicine of heart disease. useful  for setting of bones, useful for reducing the excess fat from the body.

Pipal : 
Improves articulation of small kids, improves heavy tongue and improves mental capabilities of slow learning children, used in many medicinal preparations.

Ashok : 
Keeps womb healthy, can remove sorrowful stat of mind in post natl condition.

Bramhi : 
It is a brain tonic, for sound sleep and relieves stress.

Jaswand : 
It gives mental peace, relief from headache due to biliousness.

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