

Soil Enrichment Methods

Method 1 (18 Kgs / Acre)

List of seeds used to restore soil fertility.

Pasunthaal (Green Manure Seeds) - 4 Kgs 
Sanappu (Sunhemp) - 1Kg
Thakkaipoondu (Daincha) - 1 Kg
Avuri (Indigo) - 1 Kg
Sesbania (Sesbania) - 1 Kg

Siruthaaniam (Millet Seeds) - 4 Kgs
Cholam (Cholam) - 1 Kg
Cumbu (Spiked Millet) - 1 Kg
Kelvaragu (Ragi) - 1 Kg
Samai (Samai) - 1 Kg

Payaru (Cereal Seeds) - 4 Kgs
Ulundu (Blackgram) - 1 Kg
Pacchapayaru (Greengram) - 1 Kg
Karamani (Cowpea) - 1 Kg
Thuvarai (Redgram) - 1 Kg

Ennai (Oil Seeds) - 4 Kgs
Verkkadalai (Groundnut) - 2 Kgs
Ell (Gingely) - 0.5 Kg
Amanakku (Castor) - 1 Kg
Soya Mochai (Soya Beans) - 0.5 Kg

Vaasanai (Perfume Seeds) - 2 Kgs
Thaniya (Coriander) - 1 Kg
Kadukku (Mustard) - 0.5 Kg
Venthayam (Fenugreek) - 0.25 Kg
Sombhu (Jeera) - 0.25 Kg

The land has to be tilled for 1 or 2 times before the seeds are broadcasted.
The above 20 seeds mentioned need to be mixed thoroughly and broadcasted by hand.
Just before flowering of the crops(in 3 months time), the crops need to be dealt in two different ways.
If the land is slushy, the entire crops need to be tilled again so that the crops as well as the soil are mixed throughly and allowed to decompose.
If the land is not slusy, the entire crops need to be cut at the base and allowed to decompose in the soil.
Mostly these needs to be done before the main crop is grown or if you are not growing any main crop and just for soil improvement, it is better to do this during the rainy season.

Method 2 (Green Manures List) 

The following Green Manures can be applied to improve the soil fertility.

Agathi - Sesbania grandiflora
Avuri - Indofera tinctoria
Adhatoda - Adhatoda zeylanica Medicus
Avaram - Cassia auriculate
Otiyan - Lannea coromandelica
Erukku - Calotropis gigantean
Kattukottai - Jatropha curcase
Kattukolunchi - Tephrosia purpurea
Sanaappu - Crotalaria juncea
Seemai Agathi - Cassia alata
Toyya-k-kirai - Digera muricata
Cen-kitai or Malai Murungai - Sesbania bispinosa
Thumbai - Leucas aspera
Nalvelai - Cleome gynandra
Naivelai - Cleome viscosa
Nattu Cavundal - Leucaena leucocephala
Nochi - Vitex negundo
Nuna - Morinda coreia
Pannaipoo - Celosia argentea
Peyavirai - Cassia occidentalis
Pungam - Pongamia pinnata
Poovarasu - Thespesia populnea
Nilavirai - Cassia senna
Malai Vembu - Melia azedarach
Murungai - Moringa oleifera
Rail Poondu - Croton bonplandianus
Baillon Vaagai - Alibizia lebbeck
Vadanarayanan - Delonix elata
Vembu - Azadirachta indica

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